

たんご 訳文 訳文の言語を選択日本語






1.extremely bad or unpleasant

ex) He suffered awful injuries in the crash.

We had awful weather.

She has an awful boss.

What an awful thing to say!

2.very great

ex)I don't know an awful lot about art, but I'm learning.

Fortunately it won't make an awful lot of difference if I don't pass the test.

It was an awful risk to take.

memo:めちゃくちゃ悪い、不快。マジひどいって感じ。普通のbadよりもうめちゃくちゃひどいってことか。例文の1つ目はすっげえ怪我してるし、2つ目は大荒れだし、3つ目もたぶんすっげえ嫌な奴なんだろうし、4つ目はなんてひどいこと言うんだ!って感じかな。とにかくひどいってことが分かった。それにめっちゃくちゃ(量とか)って意味もあるみたい。よく an awful lot ofって使い方をするみたいだなあ。


purse(n, c)

a small container for maney, usually used by a woman



lemon(n, c)

1.something that does not work

ex)Only one of his inventions turned out to be a lemon

2. a very silly person

ex)I felt such a lemon when I discovered I'd missed my appointment.




1.to make bread or other food warm, crisp(= hard enough to break), and brown by putting it near a high heat

ex) Do you want this bread toasted?

The sandwich was served on lightly toaseted ciabatta.

2. to warm yourself or part of your body

ex) He's just toasting his feet by the fire.

3. to hold up your glass and then drink as an expression if good wishes or respect

ex)We toasted the happy couple.

memo:トースト。まずは、トースターとかから推測できるようにパンとかを温めること、それから人の身体を温めるのにもtoastは使えるらしい。それから、mikanで出てきて、へ~と思ったのは3の意味。乾杯するってやつだね、Cheersってのも使うけどToast!ともいうらしい。ちなみに、乾杯するはmake a toast.


comb(n, c)

1.a flat piece of plastic, wood, or metal with a thin row of long, narrow parts along one side, used to tidy and arrange your hair

2.a soft, red, growth on a chicken's head

memo:1つ目、途中まで何のことかまったくわからなくて、最後your hairって書いてあるとこでやっとわかったww櫛、ですね。それから、とさかって意味もあるみたい。



1.to tidy your hair using a comb

ex) She combed her hair and put on some lipstick.

I've been trying to comb out(= remove using a comb) the knots in her hair.

2. to search a place or an area very carefully in order to find something

ex) The police combed the whole area for evedence.

Investigators combed through the wreckage.




to make a place or a collection of things tidy

ex)Tidy up these papers before you leave, please.

I'm tired of asking you to tidy your room up.

Have you tidied up yet, kids?

memo:場所やものを整理整頓すること、きれいにすること。例文の1つ目は出る前に紙片づけといて、かな。2つはあんたの部屋きれいにしなっていうのもう疲れたわ(何回行ってもあんたは部屋をきれいにしない)、3つ目は、みんなお片付けできたかな?って感じ。tidy oneselfで身なりをきちんとするって意味があるらしい。なるほどだから、さっきのcombの動詞をto tidy your hairという言葉で説明してたのね。


knots(n, c)

1.a join made by tying together the ends of a pieces of string, rope,cloth, etc

ex)to tie a knot

2.a tight mass, for example of hair or string

ex)Alice's hair is always full of knots and tangles.

memo:1は結び目かな。2は、髪とかひもがぐっちゃぐちゃになってる感じ。だから、combの例文でcomb out the knotsって文が出てきたのね。


tangle(n, c)

an untidy mass of things that are not in a state of order, or a state of confusion or difficulty

ex) a tangle of wires



wreckage(n, u)

a badly damaged object or the separated parts of badly damaged object

ex)Two children were trapped in the wreckage.

the wreckage of the car was scattered over the roadside.



agency(n, c)

1.a bussiness that represents one group of people when dealing with another group

ex) an advertising agency

2. the ability to take action or to choose what action to take

ex) The protest gave us a sense of agency, a sense of our own power to make a difference.

When the legal system acquitted these women on the grounds of insanity it denied their agency.




to show a particular result after a period time

ex) The operation proved a complete success.

The dispute over the song rights proved impossible to resolve.

The new treatment has proved to be a disaster.



dispute(n, c or u)

an argument or disagreement, especially an offcial one between, for example, workers and employers or two countries with a common border

ex)They have been unable to settle/resolve the dispute over working conditions.

The unions are in dispute with management over pay.

memo:論争や合意できないことなんだけど、私人同士の喧嘩ってよりは、もっと公的な立場同士での争いなんだね。国の間での領土問題とか、労働者と雇用主の間での労働争議とか。で。具体的に何で争っているかの前にはover、~をめぐるって感じかな。それから争い中なときは be in。