



1. to avoid being hit by something by moving quickly to one side

ex) He dodged to avoid the hurtling bicycle.

2. to avoid something unpleasant

ex) The senator dodged the question about his relationship with the actress.

memo: 1. ドッジボール 身をかわす 

2. パパラッチに取り囲まれて嫌な質問をされた時に無視する感じ?


to move very fast, especially in a way that seems dangerous

ex)The truck came hurtling towards us.

The explosion sent pieces of metal and glass hurtling through the air.

memo:危険運転 バカ速い とにかく危険 そのままvとして使うよりingつけて形容詞系にすることが多い?


a long and determined attempt to achieve something that you believe in strongly

ex)They have long been involved in a crusade for racial equality.

a moral crusade against drugs

memo: 改革運動 実現が難しいけれども重要で痛切な問題に取り組む感じ?movementとは違う?


1. a change of position 

ex) He made a sudden movement and frightened the bird away.

For a long time after the accident, he had no movement(= was unable to move) in his legs.

※sb's movement

what someone is doing during a particular period

Her movements were somewhat clumsy.

I don't know his movement this week.

2.a group of people with a particular set of aims or ideas

ex) The women movement

The antiwar movement

3. a situation in which people change their opinion or the way that they live or work

ex)There has been a movement towards more women going back to work while thire children are still young.

Recently there has been some movement away from traditional methods of teaching.

memo:1. 位置を 移動すること 動くこと

2. 同じ目的や考えをもった集団 〇〇の会みたいな?

 3. 働き方とか暮らし方を変えること 働き方改革的な。仕事や暮らしに関する従来の方法を変えること ?

crusadeは改革運動 (人種とか差別とか反戦争とか大きな大義名分の元に行われるもの?)


sb's movementは最近の挙動とか素行って感じ?ここ最近の彼の動き、彼が何やってるかみたいな


1.a clumsy person often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful, controlled way

ex)That's the third glass you've smashed this week, you're so clumsy!

2.awkward in movement or manner

ex)The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle.

3. not skillful in the way you deal with or express something

ex)Her clumsy handling of the situation only made it worse.

My attempts to apologize were very clumsy.

Some of the wording of the statement was a bit clumsy.

memo:1. 不注意なこと 愛すべきうっかりさん♡よりはトラブルになっちゃってまたアイツの不注意かよみたいに良くない感じの意味合い?


3.交渉したり自分の気持ちを表現するの下手やな〜 言い方まずいだろみたいな?拙い、稚拙とはちょっと違うのかな?バイト先の岩田さんみたいな感じか?


a long piece of land that sticks out from a larger area of land into the sea or into a lake

ex) The Korean peninsula

The Arabian peninsula

The Florida peninsula

memo:半島 多分使うのは朝鮮半島アラビア半島フロリダ半島だけかな?

stick out

to go past the surface or the edge of something

ex) His ears stick out a little.

There was a handkerchief sticking out of his jacket pocket.

memo:表面やふちが出てる、見えてる 突き出たりはみ出したり 髪の隙間から耳がちらっと見えたり、ハンカチがポケットからはみ出したりしてる。半島の説明では、大陸があってその陸の一部が海や湖に突き出てる感じか


to rub food against a grater in order to cut it into a lot of small pieces

ex)grated cheese

memo:おろす って出てきたけど大根おろしみたいなのを想像してもいいのかな。それとももう少し固形を保った感じ?とにかく、食材をそういう器具に押し付けたりして細かくするのかな 料理しないからわからない


to press or be pressed aginst something with a circular or up-and-down repeated movement

ex)She yawned and robbed her eyes sleepily.

He rubbed at the stain on his trousers and made it worse.

We rodded some polish into the surface of the wood. 

She gently robbed the ointment in.



a thick substance, usually containing medicine, that is put on the skin where it is sore or where there is an injury, in order to cure it.

ex) eye ointment

memo:痛みがあったり怪我してるところに塗って治すもの、大体薬用成分あり つまり軟膏?


painful and uncomfortable because of injury, infection, or too much use

ex)All the dust has made my eyes sore.

I've got a sore back.

My feet were sore with all the walking.


pain(n,c or u)

1. a feeling of physical suffering caused by injury or illness

ex)Her symptoms include abdominal pain and vomitting.

Are you in pain?

She was in constant pain.

2. emotional and mental suffering

ex)It's a film about the pains and pressures of parenthood.

The parents are still in great pain over the death of thire children.

memo:身体的、精神的どちらの痛みにも使える名詞で使うことが多い 痛みの程度とかは関係なくて全般的に使えるらしい constantとか使って持続的なのかを伝えたりslightとかを使って程度を伝えたりするみたい


a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not very strong

ex)As you get older, you have all sorts of aches and pains.

I've got a dull(=slight) ache in my lower back.

memo:持続的だけどそんなに強くない痛みに使う 精神的な痛みにはほぼ使わず、身体が多いけどheartacheとして、精神的な辛さ苦しみを表すことがある。headacheやtoothacheなど体の一部と組み合わせて使う、頭痛、胃痛。

stomachacheは食あたりとかしてなる不快感、stomach painは急にきたお腹の痛みらしい。

agony(n,u or c)

extreme physical or mental pain or suffering

ex)She lay their screaming in agony

I was in an agony of suspense.

We've both suffered agonies of guilt over what happened.

It must be agony for them to say goodbye.

memo:精神的、身体的な激しい痛みとにかくめちゃくちゃ痛い、苦しい 罪の意識で苦しむとかそういうレベル?苦悩という言葉もよいか。ガゼットの曲でagonyあるな。かなり苦しそうな曲だ、俺にツラ見せるな俺は死にたくねえ〜的なことを言っている.おそらく、恋人もしくはセフレに死ぬまで愛してと言われて、うげー無理無理まじで無理ってなってる、重すぎる愛に苦しんでるような感じ。
