



brave and taking risks

ex)a daring escape

This is a daring new film(=one willing to risk crticism) by one of our most original modern directors.

She was wearing a fairly daring(=short) skirt that barely covered her bottom.




a long, strong stick held in the hand that is used as a support when walking, as a weapon, or as a symbol of authority




1.something that prevents a particular event or development from happening

ex) A lack of formal education is no bar to becoming rich

2.lawyers who are allowed to argue a case in a higher court




If a road or river forks, it divides into two parts

ex) The hotel is near where the road forks.




1.to make the effort to do something

ex)He hasn't even bothered to write.

You could have phoned us but you just didn't bother.

Don't bother making the bed -I'll do it later.

2. to make someone feel worried or upset

ex)Does it bother you that he's out so much of the time?

Living on my own has never bothered me.

I don't care if he doesn't come- it doesn't bother me.

3.to annoy or cause problems for someone.

ex)don't bother your father when he's working.

I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help me lift this suitcase?

memo:1は何かをするために努力すること?と思ったけど、このeffortは努力じゃなくて労力か!何かをするために労力をかけること。bother to Vやbother V-ingの形で表されるんだね。骨を折るとか、手を焼くとかそういう意味だそうです。2は誰かを心配させたり動揺させること。悩ませるって感じかな。例文の1つ目は彼の外出が多くて心配ですか?って感じかな。3つは彼が来なくても気にしないよ…別に困らないし。って感じかなあ。3.は誰かをいらいらさせたり困らせる感じ、迷惑をかける感じかな。I’m sorry to bother youはよく使われるみたい。ちょっとお手数をかけするんだけど、スーツケースあげてくれませんか?とか。ささいな軽い感じだね。



an object or objects that belong to someone

ex) The club does not accept responsibility for loss of or damage to club member's personal property.

Both books have "Goverment property" stamped inside them.

Children need to be taught to have respect for other people's property.




to produce or provide something offcial

ex)The office will be issuring permits on Tuesday and Thursday morning.

The school issued a statement about its plans to the press.

The school issued the press with a statement about its plans.




movement to an improved or more developed state, or to a forward position

ex)Technological progress has been so rapid over the last few years.

I'm not making much progress with my Spanish.




not different or special or unexpected in any way; usual

ex) an ordinary neighbourhood

Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about ordinary people and fewer stories about the rich famous.

Her last concert appearance in Britain was no ordinary performance.

memo:特別だったり違ったりしないこと、つまり、ザ・普通!普通じゃないことを強調したいときはno ordinaryと言うんだね。normalと何が違うのかというと、normalは標準とか正常とかって意味で異常な状態ではないこと。ordinaryは特別でなくて普通ということ。服のサイズが普通ならordinaryだけど、着ている状態が異常ではなく正常ならnormalを使うみたい。



a person's job

ex) In the space marke "occupation" she wtote "police officer"

Occupations experiencing shortages will need an average of 47% more graduates to meet demand.

memo:職業ってことかな,日々の生活の糧となっているような専門的な仕事や職業。jobは仕事で、日常のちょっとした作業でも使われる、jobの方が意味が広い。workも同様らしい。jobとworkが「あなたがすること(what you do)」に寄った言葉で、occupationやcareerは「あなたの存在が何であるか(what you are)」に寄った表現らしい。



to leave the armed forces without permission and with no intention of returning

ex)Soldiers who deserted and were caught were shot.

How many people desert from the army each year?
